Global Carrier Services, your ultimate global communications solution

Reach your international customers with high quality voice and SMS/A2P termination services, toll free numbers and DID services worldwide.

Directo is a world class carrier and industry leader with experience in national and international wholesale telecom services since 2000

4.5+ Billion
minutes per year

400+ active
carriers interconnected

1 billion
SMS per year

Licensed carrier
in USA and Mexico

We empower your business to thrive globally, offering a comprehensive range of solutions tailored to your communication needs

Wholesale Voice
Wholesale Messaging
Wholesale Origination

Reach out to learn more about our offering and we'll get back to you

Wholesale Voice

The highest quality, reliable and most secure service for voice termination across the world. Directo provides the tools to connect your customers globally with the greatest efficiency and dependability.

20 Years of Excellence:
Our unmatched experience in wholesale voice with a strong focus on direct termination to mobile, cable and fixed line operators.
Your Gateway
to the world:
With significant focus on North America, LATAM, and Caribbean Markets allowing you to establish strong connections and maximize your telecom presence.
A solid infrastructure:
Fully licensed in the US to deliver international and domestic voice termination and directly connected to all major tier 1 and tier 2 carriers.

The ultimate solution for those who want to connect with their global customers

Mobile operators

Mobile operators

Cable companies

Cable companies

Fixed line operators

Fixed line operators



Wholesale Messaging

Experience the power of Directo’s SMS hub service, offering a comprehensive suite of A2P (Application-to-Person) and P2P (Person-to-Person) message delivery.

Empower you audience engagement

With a range of messaging options: short code, long code and 2-way SMS.

Seamless integration

Through our robust connectivity: APIs, HTTP or SMPP (Short Message Peer-to-Peer).


Direct worldwide connectivity:

Over 200+ networks connected around the world to serve your every need.

Flexible pricing models:

Tending to your specific requirements based on submitted or delivered messages.

Reliable and scalable platform:

With 99.99% service availability and 24/7 monitoring and support service.

Leverage the use of Wholesale SMS to optimize your communication strategies and achieve your business objectives with unlimited possibilities.
Sell point 0
Send time-sensitive
transactional messages
Sell point 1
Launch promotional
and marketing campaigns
Sell point 2
Use 2-way messages
to engage with your customers
Sell point 3
Send alerts
and real time notifications
Sell point 0
Use unique numbers
to recognize your brand
Sell point 1
Offer Two-factor
Sell point 2
Send OTP Codes
(One time passwords)

Who is using our product

Largest CPaaS Providers

Largest CPaaS Providers

SMS Aggregators

SMS Aggregators

Services Editors

Services Editors

Wholesale Origination

As a fully licensed telecom operator in Mexico, Directo´s Origination and PTSN replacement services provide a comprehensive solution for businesses. With our direct interconnections to major local carriers, we ensure redundancy and deliver high quality voice for both enterprise and carrier clients.
Our sister company in Mexico holds the IFT full communications concession since 2006, solidifying our commitment to excellence and connectivity.

Wholesale Origination Services

Connect with your customers Nationwide in Mexico with ease and access a wide range of toll-free and local origination numbers.

Plataforma Blaster
Full country

Full country

geographic numbers

Toll Free

Toll Free


Mobile numbers

Mobile numbers

by request




Full Virtual Presence Services

Experience Enhanced Connectivity by replacing your traditional PSTN infrastructure with our cutting-edge virtual presence services in Mexico.

Plataforma Blaster





and outbound calling




911 emergency

911 emergency


We strive to exceed your expectations by providing unparallel attention and support

Dynamic Traffic Surveillance

Our team ensures the continuous monitoring of your traffic, adapting to dynamic changes and optimizing performance.

In-House Network Operations Center (NOC)s

Our dedicated NOC operates 24/7/365, providing real-time monitoring, troubleshooting, and support to address any issues promptly.

Fraud and Abuse Monitoring

We actively monitor for fraudulent activities and abuse, employing advanced mechanisms and techniques to safeguard your operation.


Allianz Trade Member

As a trusted member of Allianz Trade we actively participate in financial transparency standards.

ISO – 27001 Certification

We adhere to high standards of professionalism and integrity, ensuring reliable and transparent services.

11504 Jones Maltsberger, Suite 1152 San Antonio, Texas 78216 USA

ComputerTel Inc., a US-based and registered, FCC-licensed global leader in wholesale voice and A2P telecommunications services since 2000, has changed its brand name to Directo. The new name reflects the company’s vision of delivering fast, reliable, and secure communication services to businesses and retail-focused communications service providers around the world.
The name change will not affect the company’s products, services, or customer support. Existing customers will continue to enjoy the same high-quality communication solutions they have come to expect from Computertel Inc. The company will also continue to operate under its current legal entity name, Computertel Inc., until further notice.
